
Holistic Exercise and Lifestyle Coaching

Whether you are an office worker, retired, a new mom or an athlete - the training program will be tailored specifically for you. My goal is to help you become your best, healthiest and happiest self - whatever that means to you. 


How is it different from Personal Training?

Holistic Exercise and Lifestyle Coaching does not end in the gym - in fact that is where it begins. Your training in the gym is only a part of the complete health program that is meant to address the roots of your health problems. Each program is 100% individualized based on your goals, comprehensive Posture and Movement Assessments as well as Nutrition and Lifestyle Questionnaires. I do not believe in cookie-cutter trendy exercises that you see on the internet. Similarly to the fact that we all look different on the outside, we all face different challenges in life and hence need individualized approaches to addressing health and fitness issues. A big part of the coaching strategy is identifying what are the main stressors in your life and helping create awareness and new habits to balance your overall well-being.

If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him
— Hippocrates

How do I get started?

Step 1 - Free Consultation:

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on taking the first step towards success and invite you for a free consultation. Think about it as a mutual interview, friendly chat or getting to know each other during which we will talk about your goals, needs, any health issues, motivations and current habits. You will learn more about my approach, what will be the structure of your personalized health plan and pricing. You will also receive all the previously mentioned questionnaires to fill out prior to the next step. The consultation usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.

Step 2 - Assessment:

The next step in your journey to health is the assessment. “When you are not assessing, you are guessing” my mentor Paul Chek often says and I could not agree more. In order to be able to help you best, I will be assessing and measuring: your static posture, breathing, spinal curvatures and movement, Primal Pattern® Movements (Squatting, Lunging, Bending, Pushing, Pulling, Twisting and Gait) as well as abdominal strength and coordination. Be prepared to answer some questions on your overall health including mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. Upon our first meeting, I will provide you with more detailed instructions on how to prepare for the assessment to get the most out of it. This is also the point when we review the Terms and Conditions and you decide on what is the best training package for you (check the price section for more details). The assessment usually takes 2 hours.

Step 3 - Your Health Program:

Congrats! You have made it to the other side of the assessment. At this point, you will have a better idea of where your main postural and movement issues are - do not worry, this is also when you get your Personalized Health Plan. We will spend this session going over the results, discussing your next steps and details of your plan - depending on your individual needs, you will get coaching on nutrition, hydration, stress, sleep and overall happiness.
I may also suggest starting with other modalities I practice (Fascial Stretch Therapy and Addaptive BodyWork) or recommend seeing other specialist if you need more help in certain areas - over the years I have build great relationships with Massage Therapists, Osteopaths, Counsellors and Energy Healers among others. This, and all the following sessions will be an hour in length.

Step 4 - Your Training Program:

Here is where we start having even more fun! The training part of your Personalized Health Program will include: Corrective Mobilizations and Stretches, Exercise Prescription and a Working-In Prescription (if needed). Depending on the package you chose, you will either get instructions on how to best execute all of the above (including videos and/or pictures) or you will begin our 1-on-1 training journey. Some days will be harder than others, but the one thing I can promise you for sure is that I will be there for you step by step - trough tears, laughter and muscle burn - doing my best to guide you.


What is included in your training package?

During our initial consultation, you will receive a detailed breakdown of what each of the packages include. You get to choose between:

  • Standalone Comprehensive Movement, Nutrition and Lifestyle Assessment

  • Assessment plus 4-6 week Training and Stretching Program

  • Assessment plus 1-on-1 Coaching Program (multiple price options available)

Each of the options comes with an access to a personalized Google Drive folder including any completed assessments, questionnaires, progress pictures as well as access to your personal PTEnhance Account where you will find your health program together with instructional videos and other info. You will also have the possibility to purchase a Self Care Kit including a copy of “How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy” by Paul Chek, a Foam Roller (36’’ in length, 6” in diameter), a Self Massage Ball and a Mini Band at a discounted price.


Why Should you choose to work with me?

If you are tired of dieting, being in pain or done with covering up your health problems instead of fixing them - I am the right match for you. 

I will not promise you quick fixes or glamorous results over night - regaining control over your health and fitness is a process - but I can promise that I will be there for you at every step of your journey.

I can also promise that if you consistently put in the work and trust me and the program, you will see sustainable results.

What is my style of training?

My approach is to look at each client as a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being.
The style of training I use is highly dependent on individual needs but overall can be described as functional and rehabilitative.

I strongly believe that you can only become a highly or optimally functioning human by mastering the Primal Pattern® Movements though the use of minimal or no equipment. 
My programs are based on the best of the best in the industry: C.H.E.K Institute, Stretch to Win Institute, DTS Training Systems and many more. 


Where can you find me?

Please check the Contact tab for more info.