What is Fascial Stretch Therapy™?
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST™) is a pain-free form of assisted table stretching deigned by amazing Ann and Chris Frederick. It is one of the quickest, most effective and pleasant ways to eliminate pain, restore function, move and feel better in activities of life, fitness and sport!
Benefits of FST:
• Improves posture and functional ability to do what you couldn’t do before.
• Reduces injuries so you can get on with your goals in fitness, recreation and sports.
• Reduces pain
• Restores the normal joint space
• Reduces trigger points
WHAT is fascia?
Fascia is the connective tissue system that penetrates through and wraps around the muscles, nerves, organs in your body.
Why Stretch the fascia vs Muscle?
Fascia surrounds each muscle, connects them to each other and penetrates deep inside them.
It also connects muscles to tendons, ligaments and and bones to form a body-wide, smart, functional network. Fascia connects to all your organs and systems too.
Focusing on only stretching muscles limits the benefits and is not nearly as pleasant.
Who benefits?
People of all ages and fitness levels!